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以下の期間内に追跡 i5 日
以下の期間内に加算 i105 日
You will earn a lower reward for purchases of Apple products or any items which sit within Audio & Visual, Tech, Beauty and Fine Jewellery & Watches (previously located within ‘The Wonder Room’) or when the purchase, billing and/or delivery country is in New Zealand, Brunei Darussalam, Iceland, Monaco, India, Indonesia, Bermuda, Malaysia, Gibraltar, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Norway, Nigeria, South Africa, Mexico, Ukraine, Cayman Islands, Pakistan, Egypt, Peru, Cambodia, Puerto Rico, Keya, Brazil, Vietnam, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Russia, Myanmar, Belize, Laos, Chile, Algeria, Morocco, Serbia, Saint Lucia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Uganda, Aruba, Georgia, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Jamaica and Barbados. No rewards are given on Selfridges+ Global, Selfridges Cinema (https://www.thecinemaatselfridges.com/), gift boxes, when redeeming/purchasing gift cards, using staff discount, when buying any Beauty items in bulk (i.e. 10 or more orders of the same item within 7 days) or for any items which have been returned or cancelled.

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について Selfridges

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